When it comes to heavy duty vehicles, the best place to go is the country where the national sport is trucking.
I am talking about Belarus, of course, the country that recently revealed the biggest mining truck in the world.

Going by the model name of 75710, the truck is the brainchild of the guys from Belaz. So let’s get down to it. Just how big is it? Well, the maximum certified payload for this monster is 496 tons. Just take a moment to let that number sink in. Then consider that this is in addition to its own mass of 360 tons.
Powering this beast are a couple of engine that manage to deliver 4.600 Hp and a mind boggling 18.626 Nm of torque. Not that it is of any consequence, but this baby can reach a top speed of 64 km/h. Another highlight of this Golliath is the extremes of temperatures it can work on, from -50°C up to +50°C. Fortunately, the driver and cabin occupants will be adequately protected against the weather, noise, vibrations and airborne harmful particles.

Talks are currently underway to get the guys from Guinness World Record down with a well deserved prize.