Along with this year`s first significant snowfall, a lot of car crashes and accidents occured on the roads and highways in Michigan, United States, some of them having as a result, significant casualties and damages.
It is also the case of the Interstate 94 highway which connects Kalamazoo and Battle Creek, where a chain reaction caused a serious crash around 10.00 a.m. on Friday, according to the Michigan State Police, and involving 193 vehicles in the process. Both directions, eastbound and westbound were closed for at least four miles.

Unfortunately, besides the 193 vehicles being involved in the two pileups on the highway, there was also a 57-year-old male trucker reported dead, while other 22 persons were hurt and rushed to the Bronson Metjodist Hospital, in Kalamazoo.
But how did the terrible crash happened on such a snowy day on I-94 highway? According to the story of Micah Stanislowski, a driver who also happened to be there on the scene, the trucks in front of him suddenly began to slide from one side to another, leading to a chain reaction and involving the rest of the remaining vehicles.

“I was able to pull off and just watch semi after semi and semi and semi hit each other and cars hit each other. I mean people were going full speed ahead,” Stanislowski continued.

There were also other people witnessing the chain-reaction crash on the Michigan highway, like the Kalamazoo resident, Erica Frederick who said that it was raining heavily and arriving at a curve, she could realize that the traffic had been stopped. Another driver noticed a smoky black cloud spreading over the I-94 highway.

The accident is also considered a tragic event, since among the cars involved, there were also 10 semi-trailer trucks, with two firefighters to be also injured when one of the trucks caught fire and exploded.

The Michigan Police arriving on I-94 highway said that at first, there were around 90 vehicles involved in the crash, but soon after it was discovered that a total of 193 vehicles have been involved in the process. Even if the situation seemed to exceed the humanly limited powers of the Michigan State Police and the Michigan Firefighter Department, the officials have already taken measures to evacuate the injuries, to suppress the fires and to start the cleaning process on the highway.

One of our daily Automotorblog readers has been also kind to send us a video with the terrible accident taking place on Interstate 94, Michigan, USA.