We might be biased, but riding a motorcycle is one of the best ways to get around, especially if you’re looking to make a name for yourself online. They invite a certain amount of adventure with their sleek appearance and fast travel times. Research shows that motorcycles generally travel 10 percent faster than passenger cars. They are also more efficient and can travel up to twice as far on a single gallon of fuel, which will help you explore more areas for less money.

Source: Sergey Nemirovsky/Shutterstock.com
Traveling on your motorcycle will produce all kinds of content for your new social media channel. You can create webisodes documenting everywhere you go. That’s why the internet is full of influencers who love to post about motorcycles. You can also monetize your channel to earn money every time someone watches one of your videos. If you’re wondering how to start a motovlog to become the next big social media star, use these travel filmmaking tips to squeeze as much excitement out of your motorcycle videos.
- Find Your Niche
The internet is full of aspiring influencers, many of whom don’t know how to distinguish themselves from the competition. If you want to break in and find a reliable audience for your content, you need to do something to stand out within the motorcycle travel community. It could be your vibrant personality or a unique way of exploring the destinations you want to visit. Adding supplemental information, graphics, or humor will also help you get people’s attention.
- Use Multiple Angles
The camera is the viewer’s window into your experiences on the road, so focus it on the most interesting parts of your trip. Mix up the angles to give yourself more options in the editing room. The most common approach is to attach a GoPro or action camera to your helmet, but that will get boring after a while.
People will want to see your face! Make plenty of pit stops, so you can break up your routine. You can record yourself using a tripod or propping the camera against a stable surface. Talk to other riders and the locals to bring other voices into the conversation.
- Research Your Destination
The places you visit should feature prominently in your videos. It lets people see places they may never get to explore in person. Research the destination to plan out your video, so you know where to go when you arrive. Point out any notable landmarks or routes that will be of interest to your viewers. This will help you build a narrative around the journey, so it doesn’t feel like you’re making it up as you go along.
You also need to make sure you have everything you need to get there and back – unless you want to turn your vacation video into a nightmare. Bring the essential safety gear, a map of the area, camping equipment if you want to keep your expenses down, and enough money to cover your expenses on the road.

Source: kasarp studio/Shutterstock.com
- Add Narration and Dialogue
People won’t want to watch your videos if there’s no one in them. Beautiful shots of the local scenery are important, but your viewers will have a much stronger connection to you and your content if they feel like they have a relationship with you. Be the star of your channel to make the experience more personal and relatable.
You can talk to the camera when traveling solo to add narration, but bringing someone else along will add more characters to the mix. Use motorcycle helmet communication to talk to your companions in real-time without taking your hands off the handlebars. It connects automatically when in range, so you don’t have to worry about resetting the device. You can cut back and forth between each rider throughout the conversation, just like they do in the movies. Find motorcycle helmet speakers that produce clear audio, so your camera can pick up the sound.
- Capture the Good (and Bad)
You might feel the urge to only show the best parts of your trip, but adding some conflict will make the story more engaging. You can use your mistakes to help other people avoid the same pitfalls. The journey is often just as interesting as the destination. Social media is all about being authentic. Show your true colors, including the ups and downs, to make sure your content doesn’t come off as overly rehearsed.

Source: Lukas Gojda/Shutterstock.com
- Keep It Moving
If you’re new to filmmaking, one of the worst things you can do is linger on the same shot for too long, especially when releasing content online. People tend to have short attention spans, so limit each shot to just 10 seconds or less. The cuts should feel natural and not too rushed. Trust your instincts when making edits to avoid being too precise with your footage. Use a compelling image right out of the gate to hold the audience’s attention.
- Cut It Short
The entire video should be no longer than five minutes. That should be more than enough time to tell a complete story with a beginning, middle, and end. If you want to show more of your trip, break it up into a series of smaller videos, like chapters in a book.
You won’t become an online sensation overnight. It takes hard work and a good eye for filmmaking to craft quality content. Consider hiring a professional to make your videos pop online and post consistently to steadily grow your following over time. If you play the long game, all those adventures are bound to pay off.