The Audi R8 certainly isn’t a car that lacks in power, and even in stock form it turns heads going down a street.
This is all the more true for the limited edition GT version of the R8, yet, despite all this, Underground Racing decided to take it up several notches.

After heavily modifying the power house, the 5.2 liter unit manages to deliver 1.150 whp (wheel horsepower) up from a normal 553 Hp. And this is the number for using 93 octane gasoline. The alternative is race gas, and with it, the Audi R8 GT manages to churn out more than 1.800 whp.
This is a good example of how far a good tuner can take a car, and also a good reminder that no matter how powerful a car is straight from the manufacturer, there is always some more to squeeze out. I have just a couple of issues with the build. First off, how well does this build hold under the tremendous stresses? Secondly, how will they fit the rear bumper on that?