The new generation of Mercedes-Benz Vito is a point of reference in the light commercial vehicle segment. BlueEfficiency optional technology provides the ultimate experience of ecological and economical management. Vito is a true star and due to enlarged payload and robust appearance.
The noise level was significantly reduced, as well as the new interior and upgraded suspension system that facilitates the handling and control, also improving vehicle ergonomics. The new transmission system is extremely efficient and offer top performance.
Running economic due to low fuel consumption, the small amounts of emissions due to Euro 5 standards compliance – new transmission system model demonstrates the ability of Vito models equipped with the latest technologies. The CO2 emissions and fuel consumption were reduced by 15 percent compared with the previous models, considering the statistical figures. Mercedes-Benz Vito will benefit from 4 and 6 cilynder diesel and gasoline engines capable to develop between 126 and 258 hp.