Nowadays, most car makers follow strict rules designing new cars, as they strive to build vehicles “shaped in the wind tunnel” or designed to be as economical as possible.
And while most individual brands sport a look of their own, not many manage to really amaze with the design, although a mind boggling gem does arise from time to time.

Back in the day, designer didn’t really bother with aerodynamics and insane performance, and the resulting concepts and even some production cars were so outlandish, they would be considered weird even by today’s standard. These are exactly the kind of cars the High Museum of Art will be presenting in their Dream Cars Exhibit.
From the 1942 L’Oeuf Electrique (Electric Egg) up to the more recent 2001 BMW GINA Light Visionary Concept (which uses fabric body panels), the event has it all. Concepts come in all shapes and colors, including some legendary automotive icons like the Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 Stradale or the Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwing. The exhibit will open on May the 21st and will run up until September 7th, so there will be plenty of time for interested parties to go visit.