The fresh new out of the box Lamborghini Huracan has recently made its way into Australia, after making its final debut just around six months ago.
The model has benn already pre-ordered in 50 units so far, each one costing a whopping 428,000 AUD, even if it is 27,000 AUD cheaper than the Lamborghini Huracan model.

For that kind of money, expect the Lamborghini coming with a lot of features, like Bluetooth, sat-nav, Parking sensors, Dynamic Steering, lifting sensors and much more.

We also know the massive power that the supercar will be coming equipped with, meaning a huge upgraded 5.2-liter V10 unit taken from the Gallardo model, developing 602 horsepower and 560 Nm of torque.

With all this power, the Lamborghini Huracan is capable of reaching the o 0 to 100 km/h mileage in just 3.2 seconds, at a top speed of 320 km/h.

There will be also another successor of the retired Gallardo model, in the shape of a new –body style supercar, the Spyder, which is announced with a lot of high-performance editions.