With streets growing more and more clogged with vehicles, manufacturers are shifting their attention to bikes or other alternatives.
Not long ago, Lit Motors presented a two wheel vehicle that comes with the promise to change the way we move.

Recently the company patented the stabilizing mechanism on the C1 model, while also releasing a nice video that showcases how the device works. The balancing tech not only keeps the vehicle vertical, but also keeps it balanced in a crash situation or on a road section with crosswinds. And it’s all done thanks to the gyroscope technology.
The Lit Motors C1 model will most likely be a success, and not just because of the neat technology incorporated into it. Reportedly, 75% of the units to be produced in 2014 have already been sold, with more orders sure to be placed thanks to this recent video. While we wait for more info and a working street legal prototype, we get to enjoy the video below.