Under the hot summer sun of Texas, Arizona and a few other states from the US, Nissan Leaf EV units have beginning to disappoint their owners.
The reason is a worrying short battery life and despite the fact that all batteries are functioning in a way that will eventually shut them down, in this case, it turns out that they die much too soon.

As a proof that this is not just an accident and that more and more people complain about their Nissan Leaf EF units, the car maker itself decided to replace those batteries that suffer from major capacity losses.

This change will apply to its American customers beginning with 2014. If we look back to the warranty introduced by Nissan and set at 60.000 miles per storage unit, should we not be suspicious?
Of course that the officials behind Nissan Leaf EV cars expressed their confidence that most drivers will never use that guarantee – but again, if it is not a concerning problem, why take so many caution measures?

Would you take advantage of this service set at 100 dollars per month? Nissan Leaf EV owners should definitely ease their minds from worries, once this measure will be implemented.