After Renault’s incredibly popular Twizy, a catchy and urban electrical vehicle that looks like you could squeeze it in your hand, Nissan is planning to hit the EV market with a new and innovative concept based on Twizy’s platform.
The personalized Nissan Twizy version should bring together the compact design of a motorcycle with all the major benefits of a conventional vehicle. Pretty challenging, isn’t it?

As you may already know however, this is not the first attempt of this kind. Do you remember Nissan’s previous Land Glider concept that used to tilt like a motorcycle with every single steering?

According to Etienne Henry, head of Nissan’s department of strategy and planning, has already stated that the job of their next unit inspired from Twizy is not going to be easy!

After all, they are trying to set up an overwhelming and challenging combo of features. And given the small dimensions of the next Nissan EV, it will be quite a thrill to see how they will manage to sort things out.

The old Twizy carries 2 electric motors of 5 HP and a maximum speed around 100 km. Renault stated that their car intends to replace scooters and increase driving security through crowded cities… All these make us wonder what will Nissan add as a breakthrough?