
Tag Archives: FX50

Infiniti FX50 Sebastian Vettel

Infiniti FX50 Sebastian Vettel pricing announced

Infiniti is having a bit of a cow milking effort with their sponsorship of the Red Bull Formula 1 team. Having access to the current World Champion brand is quite the marketing dream. They've created the Infiniti FX50 Sebastian Vettel edition and even though it sounds like one, it's no joke. The Japanese are so serious about it that they're...

Infiniti FX50 Sebastian Vettel

Infiniti sends FX50 Vettel Edition into production

Probably spurred on by the German winning the second Formula 1 world championship, the Japanese at Infiniti decided to green light his special edition for production. By his special edition I'm talking about the performance enhanced Infiniti FX50 Sebastian Vettel edition that was introduced at the Frankfurt Motor Show. Now it's not unusual to try and make a quick buck...

Infiniti FX50 Sebastian Vettel edition

Added details on Sebastian Vettel Infiniti FX50

The battle for attention is heating up just as we're entering the home stretch for the opening days of the 2011 Frankfurt Motor Show. Nissan's Infiniti is making their final move as we speak, they are beyond flooring it and giving us more details on their special edition version of the FX50. That is, the Sebastian Vettel inspired Infiniti FX50,...