

Automotorblog Facebook

Facebook and Automotorblog fans unite!

We're going to join forces, come together, see ourselves stronger as an entirety and take over the world. Not really, but we feel it's quite important to see more of our readers go through the nice gesture of telling a friend. Happily since we now have the Internet at hand, we can simplify the effort by using Facebook. The simple...

TRW Roof Airbag

A New Airbag From TRW

Protection systems are becoming more and more versatile when talking about cars. And such a spectrum is the airbag. Car manufacturers have been thinking of new ways of offering protection to passengers and new products have been developed by Ford (the seatbelt airbag) or by Toyota (the telescope airbag). And now, it is the turn of the American TRW company...

Optical Illusion

3D Optical Illusion Safety Method: Good or Bad?

Speeding is a problem encountered all over the world, be it on the road or in the parking lot. And although many people have tried to come up with a solution, few were actually practical enough to apply in real life (though they were excellent on paper). And an optical illusion that acts as a safety method will soon be...

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