

Simple DIY Stuff to Know About Your Car

Simple DIY Stuff to Know About Your Car

Let’s face it, folks, cars are awesome! Especially muscle cars, sports cars, and high-performance vehicles. While anyone can appreciate a quality car, few of us can actually pop the hood or the trunk and understand what’s really going on inside.  Today, we’re going to put the gloves on and take you front and center to the action. Even if you’ve...

Extended Car Warranty
Other NewsTips

6 Tips for Shopping for an Extended Car Warranty

Things break. Entropy is an inescapable force and will make no exception for your vehicle. Standard auto insurance protects you in the event of a collision or an act of nature, but what about everything else? If you are the type of person who loses sleep worrying about how to afford costly repairs, consider an extended warranty. If you are...

Car CareOther NewsSafetyTips

Top 5 Car Seat Safety Tips

Car seats are designed to enhance child safety but, tragically, road traffic accidents remain the leading cause of child deaths in the U.S. Although car seats can protect infants and young people in the event of an accident, improper use can limit their effectiveness. In one year alone, 35% of child deaths caused by traffic accidents involved a child who...

Other NewsTips

10 Things Every New Driver Should Know

Driver’s ed teaches the basics of drivers and staying safe on the road, but you never truly stop learning when you become a driver. Gaining more experience helps drivers know how to deal with different situations, but it can take time and many hours on the road before you feel comfortable in charge of your vehicle. There are some tips...

Other NewsTips

Strategies for Preventing Distracted Driving

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that around eight lives are lost nationwide to distracted driving incidents every day. According to the same report, there were 2,841 deaths and over 400,000 injuries resulting from distracted driving in 2018 alone. Royalty Free Photo The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies three main types of distraction: CognitiveManualVisual From...

Car CareClassicsOther NewsTips

5 Tips for Taking Care of a Vintage Car

Many people are looking for vintage cars to enjoy their classic features, style, and timelessness. Vintage cars offer a nostalgic smell and feel, unlike today’s vehicles which as known to be more modern and industrial. Vintage cars feature great craftmanship, and its styles can range from wood paneling, leather stats, sleek finishes, and character. With the style and popularity of...

Car InsuranceOther NewsTips

Tips for Buying your first Car

Buying the first car is probably the first major purchase you make in your lifetime. The possession of a personal car brings a feeling of accomplishment. However, as it involves an investment of a fortune amount, it is expected that you approach the process with ample of considerations. Here is your guide that will help you to take the best...

Other NewsTips

Top 5 Tips to Sell Your Car at Best Price

Getting the best price for your car can be a tough task because you have to take into account a lot of factors (do not worry we will discuss them below). Your frustration can escalate further if you are selling a vehicle for the first time. Here are some tips that will help you sell your car faster and get...


Hardcore Lamborghini Huracan (Superleggera) Caught with Six Exhaust Tips

Lamborghini is reportedly working on a hardcore Lamborghini Huracan, likely to be called “Superleggera”, the so called model being recently spotted while performing some road tests in Germany. There would be no surprise that the Superleggera will be coming with sheer power, especially since the rear end is revealed with the six exhaust tips. This means heavy modifications to house...

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