Some enthusiast East Germans, and East Europeans for that matter, were chuffed to bits a while back when Herpa announced that they would be bringing back the Trabant brand.

With a new iteration as the Trabant nT, Herpa promised a new EV car with an older nostalgic effect.
But that was then, this is now and we have a new announcement from Herpa. Their turning of the Trabant nT from a concept car into a production version has gone down to a halt.
As with most of these relatively small ambitious automotive projects, the Trabant nT is slowed down by financial issues. The good news is that while Herpa admit to having stopped development on the new Trabant, they claim that the project is still on.

Hopefully, this delay won’t take very long because the time this car was to enter production has been set sometime in 2012 originally. With the new delays, Herpa avoids to say by how much this has been pushed back. According to the official press release, the company hasn’t been able to produce the €30 million required to complete development of the nT.

On paper at least, the Trabant nT EV production version should be powered by an electric motor developing some 60 horsepower. The performance figures should include a top speed of 81 mph and single charge range of at least 100 miles.