In recent weeks, 3D printing has certainly taken off, with the technology finally becoming somewhat affordable.
One important advance in the 3D printing technology was the possibility of using metals, which opened up a whole new world for designers.

Taking this to heart, one enthusiast decided to work in a CAD program and design a nice bike frame, which he then 3D printed. The interesting part of this is the fact that he managed to use titanium. The printer used is a Renishaw AM250 and the resulting bike frame managed to exceed all expectations.
The bike frame is based on an existing model, which weighed 2.1 kg. The 3D printed titanium version only tips the scale at 1.4 kg. Apart from this advantage, using 3D printing can not just eliminate a lot of machining for various parts, but also make it easier to build complex bits. We will be watching the technology closely.